June 2023 Flow Header

The Flow: Check Out the Summer 2023 Newsletter

The latest edition of NUD's newsletter, The Flow, is now available. Learn about the Maintenance and Operations Team, the building remodel underway, recent recipients of the All Star Award, and why NUD had to make the difficult decision to raise rates. Thanks for reading!

The Flow Summer 2023 

Past Editions of The Flow

Leaking faucet

May 15-19 is Water-Saving Week

Water-Saving Week is a great opportunity to minimize water waste, help the environment, and reduce your water bill. Northshore Utility District encourages all customers to celebrate the week by learning more about what can be done at home to save water.  Here are a few ideas:

Find and Fix Leaks: If your water bill is higher than usual, you might have a leak. Learn how to identify the source of leaks and fix them. Resolving leaks quickly saves water AND money!

Save Water with Weekly Lawn Watering Advice: Regularly adjusting your watering schedule will help you maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn and avoid wasting water. Check out the Saving Water Partnership’s Lawn Watering page every Saturday for advice on watering for the upcoming week.

Rebates for Water-Saving Projects: Rebates are available to help cover the costs of upgrading to more water-efficient equipment at your home, multifamily property, or business.

Learn more at savingwater.org.

Lawn watering

Save Water with Weekly Lawn Watering Advice

If you want to keep your lawn green all summer long, the amount of water your lawn needs changes every week according to the weather and length of day. Regularly adjusting the watering schedule of your automatic irrigation system (unless you have a smart timer) will help you maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn and avoid wasting water.

In the Pacific Northwest, the lawn watering season usually lasts from June to September. Check out the Saving Water Partnership's Lawn Watering page every Saturday for advice on watering for the upcoming week: savingwater.org/lawn-garden/watering-irrigation/weekly-lawn-watering-schedules.

The Saving Water Partnership is an organization comprised of 19 water utilities in King and Snohomish counties. They offer tips, tools, and rebates to help people preserve our region’s water for future generations. When we work together to use water wisely, it adds up to make a big difference.

writing a check

Northshore Utility District Helps Customers Struggling Financially

Department of Commerce grant provides relief funding

Northshore Utility District (NUD) applied for and received a grant from the Department of Commerce that made it possible to assist 608 NUD customers financially impacted by the pandemic. When the pandemic-related moratorium on water shutoffs was lifted in October 2021, NUD customers owed over $1.6 million in overdue payments. By offering payment plans, through partnerships with neighboring agencies and charitable organizations, and with the help of federal funding, NUD has been able to reduce the total owed by over 80 percent.

“The pandemic has been devastating in many ways, and for some of our customers, they had to make the difficult decision to pay their utility bills or purchase groceries,” said Acting General Manager Amanda Campbell.  “NUD staff worked numerous hours trying to connect customers with resources to resolve this ongoing challenge and the Department of Commerce grant was another avenue of providing support to those in need.”

In August of 2022, the Department of Commerce received grant funding from the Federal Government for water and sewer districts to assist eligible residential customers who were financially impacted by the pandemic. The funding was made available in mid-November, with a requirement of disbursing funds by December 31, 2022.

Northshore Utility District (NUD) applied promptly for grant funds and received an allocation of $258,914.57. The grant required NUD to establish criteria to prioritize distribution of funds to residential customers behind on payments between March 1, 2020 - December 31, 2021, and who also met additional grant eligibility requirements. NUD distributed $234,914.51 to 608 eligible customers, ranging from payments of $1.51 to $13,117.02. Letters to customers documenting their funding amounts were sent mid-January 2023.

To learn more about current assistance programs for NUD customers, visit www.nud.net/customers/assistance-programs.  For questions, please call (425) 398-4400.


Media Contact:

Amanda Campbell, Acting General Manager
Northshore Utility District
(425) 521-3728

Dr. Sham visits NUD

Dr. Chi Ho Sham Visits Northshore Utility District

Northshore Utility District was honored to host Dr. Chi Ho Sham, recent past president of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) on November 8, 2022. Sham’s passion for safeguarding water quality and the environment began in Hong Kong, where, during the 1960s, he experienced first-hand the city’s drought-induced potable water shortages. Since earning master’s and doctorate degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo, his work has spanned watershed management, water resource planning, drinking water protection, underground injection control, and water quality assessment. Meeting Dr. Sham in person was a great experience for our team and we are grateful for all he is doing for water across the country.

Learn more about Dr. Chi Ho Sham at https://water.columbia.edu

map of location in Kirkland

Sewer Main Break in Kirkland

UPDATE 11/9/22 3:30 PM
Northshore Utility District (NUD), in coordination with the City of Kirkland, responded to a sewer main break, caused by construction, at the intersection of 132nd Ave NE and NE 116th St. NUD crews have been on scene since 11:30am and will continue their emergency response throughout the evening to assist the contractor.

UPDATE 11/9/22 6:00 PM
NUD crews will resume work in the morning to continue repairs. Reduced lanes are anticipated, thank you for your patience if driving in the area.

Bill, a bald man in a blue shirt, standing in front of a truck.

Fleet Mechanic Lead at Northshore Utility District Honored for 30 Years of Service

Fleet Mechanic Lead Ken James was recently honored for 30 years of service at Northshore Utility District (NUD).  James was originally hired at NUD as a Senior Mechanic in 1992 and was promoted to Lead Mechanic in 2003. In his position, he has since served as a telemetry technician, a facility technician, an emergency responder, as well as a mentor and coach for his coworkers.

“Ken has been willing to fill any role that is needed,” said General Manager Al Nelson. “I have never heard him complain about being overworked and understaffed – he merely digs in to get the job done – even if that means working long hours and weekends.”

Northshore Utility District is a special purpose public agency, specializing in providing water and sewer service to over 85,000 people residing in cities of Kenmore, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, Bothell, and Woodinville. NUD was originally established, as municipal corporation in 1947 to fill an environmental and public health need.

In addition, to providing water and sewer service, NUD is a provider of regional fleet services for its municipal partners of Kenmore, Lake Forest Park, and Northshore/Shoreline Fire Department.  Water, sewer and fleet services are managed and maintained by NUD’s staff of just over 50 employees which include utility workers, engineers, construction inspectors, permit technicians, customer service technicians, information technology staff, mechanics, facilities maintenance, seasonal grounds crews, and administration.

“Our team is committed to serving the community by providing essential services in a safe, reliable, economical and ecologically responsible way,” said Nelson. “Fleet Mechanic Lead Ken James has consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to serving others in the community throughout his 30 years. He has remained a steady dependable pillar and contributor in our organization.”

For more information about Northshore Utility District, visit us at www.nud.net.

Media Contact:
Amanda Campbell, Administrative Services Manager
Northshore Utility District
(425) 521-3728

NUD employees

Northshore Utility District Employees Honored for Achievements

Northshore Utility District (NUD) honored several employees for their achievements in a promotional ceremony held on July 21, 2022. Brian Taylor, Christian Melton, Haakon Lande, and Ryan Helvey received recognition for their hard work, dedication, and completion of advancement training.

Brian Taylor was hired at NUD as a fleet mechanic in January 2022.  In just six months, he managed to fulfil the requirements of the Senior Mechanic Advancement Assessment to advance to the position of Fleet Mechanic – Senior.   This included passing all eight Automotive Service Excellence certification tests to achieve the Master Truck Technician Certification Level.

“One of the great things about hiring new people, is that they can bring a fresh perspective and new and different ways of accomplishing our mission,” said Fleet and Facilities Supervisor Steve Skylstad.  “Brian has identified several opportunities for improvements, such as recommending tool purchases to improve productivity and expand our capabilities.  He has also proven to be an expert mechanic, diagnosing and repairing several challenging vehicle related problems.”

Christian Melton, Senior Utility Worker, Haakon Lande, Acting Utility Lead, and Ryan Helvey, Senior Utility Worker, are the first to complete the challenging NUD Senior Development Program, which has taken multiple years of hard work and dedication to achieve. Melton was the first employee to complete the program.

“Our senior employees have positive attitudes when met with adversity, teach and mentor co-workers, and demonstrate professionalism when working with our customers,” said Maintenance and Operations Director Ethan Maiefski.  “We are proud of our team at NUD and appreciate exemplary employees like these who personify NUD’s values of dedication, tenacity, and commitment to those we serve.”

Providing water and sewer services to more than 77,000 people in Kenmore Bothell, Lake Forest Park, Kirkland, and Woodinville, NUD’s mission is to provide necessary services to the community in a safe, reliable, economical, and ecologically responsible manner. For more information about Northshore Utility District, please visit www.nud.net.

Media Contact:
Amanda Campbell, Administrative Services Manager
Northshore Utility District
(425) 521-3728

NUD office building

Special Meeting Scheduled for July 12, 2022

A Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 12, 2022, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting:  Long Term Water Supply Planning Presentation.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Monday, July 18, 2022.

Rate comparison

2022 Rate Notification

The decision to raise rates is an issue every responsible utility must face. Over the last four years, Northshore Utility District (NUD) has not raised water rates and only raised its sewer rates once. NUD will not be raising water rates for 2022. This is possible, to a large extent, because of NUD’s unique water supply contract with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU).

However, this is not the case for sewer. King County Wastewater Treatment Division raised its cost by 4%. This increase is being treated as pass-through cost to District customers. This decision was reached after conducting two open public hearings held on March 7, 2022, and March 21, 2022. The 2022 Rate Resolution was adopted and applied to all utility bills sent after March 15, 2022, regardless of when service is rendered.

Please read the 2022 Rate Notification Letter for more information.