NUD office building

Public Hearing March 21 to Discuss the 2022 Rate Resolution

Northshore Utility District’s Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing (second of two) during their regularly scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, March 21, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the 2022 Rate Resolution.

Due to COVID-19 the Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for Monday, March 21 will be conducted remotely and in-person. To participate in the meeting please see options below.

To join meeting by telephone, call 1 253-328-7749 and enter conference ID: 440297543#.

To join meeting by video conferencing, please contact Brenda Smith at before 2:00 p.m. on March 21, 2022.

NUD office building

Public Hearing March 7 to Discuss the 2022 Rate Resolution

Northshore Utility District’s Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing during their regularly scheduled Board Meeting on Monday, March 7, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the 2022 Rate Resolution.

Due to COVID-19 the Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for Monday, March 7 will be conducted remotely and in-person.  To participate in the meeting please see options below:

  • To join the meeting by telephone, call 1 253-328-7749 and enter conference ID: 63578183#.
  • To join the meeting by video conferencing, please contact Brenda Smith at before 2:00 p.m. on March 7, 2022.

The Flow

The Flow: 2022 Issue No. 1

Northshore Utility District's first newsletter for 2022 is out! In this edition, learn how NUD partners with other government agencies in the area, how you can help your neighbors through the Share A Drop Program, and what NUD is doing to help customers with past-due balances. Also in this edition, NUD remembers former General Manager Ron Gehrke. Watch for the newsletter in your mailbox, or check out this edition as well as past editions of the newsletter here. Thanks for reading!

Gardening trowel

Upcoming Savvy Gardener Classes

Tuesday, May 17, 6:00-7:30 pm

Knockout Gardens: Winning the War on Water Use with Great Plants and Techniques
With Marianne Binetti, author and Northwest horticultural expert

Get inspired to plant not just shrubs and perennials that will survive in our climate, but plants that make a knockout statement when grown together, smother weeds, and solve other landscape problems. Learn how to create stunning plant marriages, how to use short plants to support taller specimens to avoid stakes or ties, and how to use trees and large shrubs already in your landscape as focal points to create gardens with seasonal interest that will knock your socks off.

To register, call (206) 684-5955 or email

This class is virtual. A link to the class will be sent out by email.


Tuesday, July 12, 6:00 to 7:30 pm

Less Work, Better Gardens the Natural Way
With Ladd Smith, co-owner of In Harmony Sustainable Landscapes 

Come learn how you can become a more successful gardener and do it with less work. Your garden will be more beautiful, and you will have more joy in it when you learn how to work with Mother Nature. Building healthy soils, watering the right amount, and other natural yard care topics will be covered.

To register, call (206) 684-5955 or email

This class is virtual. A link to the class will be sent out by email.

ARPA budgeting tool web banner

Kenmore Community Invited to Provide Input on How ARPA Funds Should Be Spent

The City of Kenmore is seeking input from community members on how to spend a portion of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Using an online community engagement tool called Balancing Act Prioritize, participants are given a menu of 16 possible ARPA project ideas and are asked to select and rank their top choices while staying within an allotted budget. Input from this survey will help gauge community priorities before Kenmore City Council makes decisions about allocation of the funds later this year. Use the tool and share your feedback at

Faucet pouring water

NUD Adopts Payment Arrangement Initiative to Help with Past-Due Balances

As of 9/30/2021, suspension of utility shut offs and late charges were lifted per the Washington State Governor’s proclamation 20-23.16.

Northshore Utility District has adopted a payment arrangement initiative to assist customers with paying off their past-due balances. Customers with past-due balances, owing prior to November 1, 2021, will be put on a payment plan spread over a 1-year period (6 bi-monthly billing periods).

Payment plan arrangement amounts will display as a detail line-item charge on the bi-monthly billing statement. Unpaid current charges will be subject to late fees and/or service termination.

If an alternate payment arrangement is needed, please contact our offices immediately at 425-484-0338 or through email at

Please visit our Assistance Programs page for additional payment assistance information.

Suzanne Greathouse profile

Welcome New NUD Commissioner Suzanne Greathouse

Northshore Utility District (NUD) Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce appointment of Commissioner Suzanne Greathouse on August 16, 2021.  Commissioner Greathouse is a dedicated community professional who brings a vast amount of knowledge and experience to support NUD’s continued ongoing mission to provide necessary services to the community in a safe, reliable, economical, and ecologically responsible manner.

CEO/Co-Founder of REPSVR, a virtual reality skills training platform, Suzanne Greathouse’s diverse experience includes being a business owner, educator/trainer, executive and consultant. She developed and led multi-cultural and virtual teams and managed complex business environments. She is an expert at applying industry best practices and emerging research to specific challenges, enabling and empowering success while improving performance, motivation, and job satisfaction.

She worked for AT&T for nearly 20 years and led efforts in Construction and Engineering, Research and Development, Emergency Preparedness/Disaster Recovery, Network Security, Network Operations, and IT Product Development/Support. In 2017, after a family tragedy, she decided to leave AT&T and focus on serving the community. She ran for City of Kenmore Council, served on Northshore Fire District’s Board and currently serves on the City of Kenmore Planning Commission, Northshore Senior Center Board, Kenmore Heritage Society Board, Bothell/Kenmore Chamber of Commerce, Kenmore Business Alliance, volunteers at Mary’s Place and EvergreenHealth Foundation Board (chairing the Alex Greathouse foundation for oral cancer research).

Commissioner Greathouse replaces NUD’s long time Commissioner, Don Ellis, who passed away unexpectedly on May 25, 2021.  Northshore Utility District is governed by an elected Board of Commissioners who are focused on establishing policies that ensure high quality drinking water and sewer services. See the Board of Commissioners webpage for more information.

Free sustainable gardening classes

FREE Sustainable Gardening Classes

This is a virtual event presented via Teams. To register, email or call 425-521-3747.

September 14, 2021, 6:30-8 p.m.

Fall and Winter Chores to Make Your Spring Gardening Easier
With Ladd Smith, Co-Owner of In-Harmony Sustainable Landscapes

Come learn how you can become a more successful gardener and do it with less work. Your garden will be more beautiful, and you will benefit from putting in less effort and getting more enjoyment when you learn how to work with Mother Nature. The class will cover topics such as healthy soils, good watering, and natural yard care techniques.


Please note: the August 24 class, Simply Lovely: Great Plants for NW with Emily Bishton, has been cancelled.

Photo of Don Ellis with Utility Cover Background

Dedication Ceremony in Honor of Former Commissioner Don Ellis

The Northshore Utility District will be holding a dedication ceremony for former Commissioner Don Ellis on July 16, 2021 from 3:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., and its offices will be closed during this time. The ceremony is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. Parking is limited and there will be signage directing attendees to where the ceremony will be held. If you would like to attend the ceremony remotely, the link to join Microsoft Teams is below;

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 253-328-7749,,732117838#   United States, Tacoma

Phone Conference ID: 732 117 838#

Find a local number | Reset PIN

Page one of the July 16, 2021 3:00 p.m. dedication flier for Former District Commissioner Don Ellis.




Blue Water pool

Cooling Centers

The City of Kenmore and Northshore Utility District (NUD) will be opening cooling centers to the public. The City of Kenmore will open its cooling center on Sunday, June 27, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and NUD will be opening its cooling center on Monday, June 28, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.