Have a Leak?
The District purchases wholesale water from Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) for retail sale and distribution to its customers. SPU does not grant any adjustment for leakage to its wholesale customers.

Water leaks in a private plumbing system is the responsibility of the property owner. The private plumbing system includes all piping and fixtures extending past the water meter. Leaks on toilets, indoor and outdoor faucets and piping can be costly. Leaks worsen over time and promptly fixing leaks saves money and water. The following information is provided to help identify and locate potential leaks.
Apply for a Leak Adjustment
Customers may qualify for a billing adjustment, in the form of a credit, if their leaks are repaired within 6 months being notified of a potential leak. Leaks adjustments may be applied up to a maximum of 4 month period, and only one adjustment is permitted every 24 months. Adjustments are calculated based comparing normal usage to excess water lost as a result of a leak.
To apply for a leak adjustment, a “Leak Adjustment Request Form” must be completed along with copies of repair bill(s), receipts, and photographs. Customers may submit their information via email at leakadjrequest@nud.net. or by Mail to:
P.O. Box 82489,
Kenmore WA 98028-0489
Customers will be contacted within 7 days to inform customers if their request has been approved.